The Death Roses, Murder Brotherhood & Afraid to Die
Sanctum Books completes its reprinting of the original 1936-37 pulp series by DOC SAVAGE’s Lawrence Donovan writing as Clifford Goodrich that inspired BATMAN’s first supporting character! First, an ingeniously concealed map holds the answer Police Commissioner James Gordon needs to stop flower-festooned serial slayings in The Death Roses. Then, The Whisperer invades China Hill to smash the weird Murder Brotherhood. Finally, it’s up to The Whisperer to discover why a philosophical Asian was Afraid to Die in a novelette by Alan Hathway from the back pages of THE SHADOW MAGAZINE! BONUS: Norgil the Magician takes the stage in a magical mystery by The Shadow’s Maxwell Grant, plus a classic Whisperer graphic story from the Golden Age of Comics! This instant collector’s item showcases the original color pulp covers by John Newton Howitt and Tom Lovell, the classic interior illustrations by Paul Orban and historical commentary by Will Murray and Anthony Tollin.
- Sanctum Books
- 9781608771622
- Softcover
- 7×10
- 128 pages
- B&W
- Published: 03/15
- $14.95