Spider Doubles #18 [Girasol]


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by Grant Stockbridge

The Spider and the Slaves of Hell & Zara—Master of Murder – Howitt Cover

#70 – The Spider and the Slaves of Hell

“A frantic warning that his home is about to blw up has Richard Wentworth racing against time to save his beloved Nita, who lies bed-ridden with crippling injuries!  At the same time the police prepare to invade the house, with false evidence against him of murder.  The SPIDER soon finds himself battling a mad dynamiter who blows his enemies to pieces!”


“He called himself Zara, and his specialty was murder…not just by his own hand, but by forcing strong men to yield to him and commit horrible acts they woudl never ordinarily contemplate!  No ordinary person was safe from his evil will…not even the SPIDER’s own fiancee, Nita Van Sloan…nor eve the SPIDER himself!”

  • 7×10
  • 128 pages
  • Girasol Collectables
  • Published: 01/11

Additional information

Weight .625 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 7 × .3 in