The Whisperer Double #5


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School for Murder and Murder on the Line – Commissioner Gordon before Batman!

The double life of Police Commissioner James Gordon is explored in a pair of two-fisted thrillers that inspired classic Batman stories! First, The Whisperer goes undercover to close down a School for Murder that prepares teenagers for criminal careers! Then, Wildcat Gordon investigates corruption in the trucking industry in Murder on the Line. BONUS: an adventure of Norgil the Magician by The Shadow’s Maxwell Grant! This historic collector’s item showcases both original color pulp covers by Spider artist John Newton Howitt, classic interior illustrations by Paul Orban and golden-age great Creig Flessel, and historical commentary by Will Murray and Anthony Tollin.

  • Sanctum Books
  • 9781608770700
  • Softcover
  • 7×10
  • 112 pages
  • B&W
  • Published: 01/12
  • $14.95